The Gospel of Thomas by Jean-Yves Leloup - A new translation and analysis of the gospel that records the actual words of Jesus• Explores the gnostic
L'Enseignement de Jean Yves Leloup - Home | Facebook L'Enseignement de Jean Yves Leloup. 6,785 likes · 374 talking about this. Jean-Yves Leloup, Docteur en philosophie, psychologie et théologie, écrivain, conférencier, dominicain puis prêtre orthodoxe. BIOGRAPHIE | Jean-Yves Leloup Jean Yves Leloup est né le 24 janvier 1950 à Angers. Il y vit une enfance et une adolescence difficile. Suite à un « lent dérèglement de tous les sens », il est découvert dans un fossé d’Istanbul et déclaré cliniquement mort. Judas and Jesus by Jean-Yves Leloup · OverDrive (Rakuten ... Jean-Yves Leloup's careful investigation of the gospels, various apocryphal texts, and most importantly the Coptic codex known as the Gospel of Judas, leads him to conclude that there is more to the familiar story of Judas than a simple demonstration, viewed through one man, of humanity's inherent failings. The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus by Jean ...
What is Jean-Yves Leloup | Psychology Concepts. Writer, PhD in Transpersonal Psychology, philosopher, priest hesícasta – one who dedicates his life to diving in the universe and on prayer-, poet and noted interpreter of the words of Christ, among many other titles, Jean-Yves Leloup was born in the town of Angé, in France, in January 24, 1950. His parents were Pierete Leloup Bienvenue and Jean Claude Leloup. L'élégance du Soi - Petit traité de l'homme noble - broché ... L'élégance du Soi - Petit traité de l'homme noble, Jean-Yves Leloup, Presses Chatelet. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec … Gospel of Thomas - Leloup | StillPoint Retreats
Nascido em 24 de Janeiro de 1950 em Angers, pequena cidade a oesta da França, Jean-Yves Leloup é um teólogo, filósofo, terapeuta transpessoal, escritor e padre da Igreja Ortodoxa Grega. Tendo escrito livros como Enraizamento e Abertura, Cuidar do Ser, O absurdo e a graça e Um absurdo e luminoso silêncio – a Teologia Mística de Dionísio o Areopagita, seu pensamento dedica-se Jean-Yves Leloup - Inner Traditions Jean-Yves Leloup is a theologian and founder of the Institute of Other Civilization Studies and the International College of Therapists. His books include Jesus and Judas, The Sacred Embrace of Jesus and Mary, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of … Jean-Yves Leloup - A Escada Do Medo e Do Desejo | Humano ... Jean-Yves Leloup É bom lembrar que o homem evolui através do desejo e do medo. Não há medo sem um desejo escondido e não há desejo que não traga consigo um medo. O desejo e o medo estão ligados. Temos medo do que desejamos e desejamos o que nos faz medo. JEAN YVES LELOUP - APOCALYPSE DE JEAN 1 - YouTube Feb 03, 2013 · Transmission de la Méditation par Père Séraphim - Jean Yves Leloup - Duration: 54:30. Seraphim Pastor 3,234 views. 54:30. Poirot dead man's folly - Duration: 1:29:18.
The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus: Leloup ... The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus [Leloup, Jean-Yves, Needleman, Jacob] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Gospel of Thomas: … By Jean-Yves Leloup: Levangile De Thomas - Télécharger PDF Jean Yves Leloup Inner Traditions. Jean Yves Leloup is a theologian and founder of the Institute of Other Civilization Studies and the International College of Therapists. His books include Jesus and Judas, The Sacred Embrace of Jesus and Mary, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, The Gospel of Philip, and The Gospel of Thomas.He lives in France. Jean-Yves LELOUP - YouTube Skip navigation Sign in. Search The Gospel of Philip by Leloup, Jean-Yves (ebook)
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene : Jean-Yves Leloup ...